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  • Are There Foods That Slow Metabolism?

    A slow metabolism might not be the only reason you’re having a hard time losing weight. You read that right. Metabolism plays a role but isn’t the only determining factor. Your metabolism is responsible for maintaining many of your body’s functions. Like most people, you probably associate it with your weight more than anything else. According to the experts at Harvard Medical School, genetics plays the biggest role in your metabolism. However, there are some ways to jump-start it, which can be helpful if you’re trying to shed some pounds. One of the best ways to reach your goal weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Clearly, the foods you eat play a role in the success of your weight loss program. Choosing the right foods is a matter of calories in versus calories out, but there are some foods that slow metabolism at the same time. Avoiding these items may be what it takes to lose those pounds. Refined Grains If you’re wondering how to speed up metabolism, cutting refined grains is the ideal first step. While your body needs grains for their healthy carbohydrate content, refined ones should be avoided. That’s because they have had most of their nutrients stripped away during processing. White bread, pasta, crackers, and rice are the biggest offenders. These foods are easy for your body to break down, which means your metabolism doesn’t have to speed up as much to digest them. Whole grains are a much better choice. Read food levels to determine if an item is made from whole or refined grains. Soft Drinks Soft drinks contain high fructose corn syrup, which has many damaging effects on your metabolism. That includes slowing it down but also increasing the risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of diseases that can have devastating health consequences. They include diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. In addition to potentially slowing your metabolism, soft drinks are also high in calories, which can derail any healthy weight loss plan. It’s better to drink water and skip the soda. Alcohol Many kinds of alcohol, especially when used to make cocktails, contain large amounts of sugar and calories. But it’s also been linked to a slower rate of fat burning. At the same time, alcohol contains toxins that your body must work to neutralize. While it’s doing that, it’s not burning fat. So drinking too much alcohol can slow your metabolism and lead to weight gain. Fried Foods You’re probably already aware that fried foods can hinder your weight loss goals. After all, they are packed with fat and calories. Too much of either will pack on the pounds, rather than support your goals. However, fried foods may also slow your metabolism. This is especially true with restaurant meals, which are often fried in partially hydrogenated oils. These oils, which contain huge amounts of trans fats, stop your metabolism from humming along as it should. Combined with the high amounts of fat and calories in fried foods, this is a sure-fire way to prevent weight loss. Farmed Beef Beef can be part of a healthy weight loss diet. However, farmed beef is often treated with antibiotics. This can alter the healthy balance of bacteria in your digestive system. When that happens, it can make your metabolism sluggish. When it can’t keep up with what you’re eating, chances are you’re going to gain weight. The good news is that you don’t have to give up your favorite burger. Choose organically raised or grass-fed beef products instead of farmed ones. Granola Bars If you’ve always thought granola bars were a healthy food, it’s time to take another look. Many of them contain high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and other ingredients that can slow your metabolism. If you’ll recall from our discussion about soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup can cause health problems but also slows metabolism. Combined with the other preservatives in granola bars, they could be hindering your goals. When you buy granola bars, be sure you choose those that are made with oats, which can speed metabolism, but that are also free of preservatives and sugar. You might also consider making your own granola bars. This gives you control over ingredients and allows you to enjoy a favorite snack without worrying that it will derail your weight loss. Frozen Dinners While they are certainly convenient, frozen dinners often contain the ingredients talked about on this list. That includes farmed beef and produce that has been treated with pesticides. In addition to their high fat and calorie content, frozen dinners can slow your metabolism. Many also contain partially hydrogenated oils, which can make the situation even worse. Foods That Slow Metabolism and Foods That Don’t When it comes to figuring out how to speed up metabolism, the foods you eat play a role. This list gives you some specific examples, but in general, it’s best to choose whole foods over processed ones. The bulk of your diet should contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and protein, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. They are your best bet for learning how to boost metabolism. Not only can these foods help speed metabolism, but they are high in nutrients that support good health. At the same time, they also tend to be lower in fat and calories, another great way to support healthy weight loss. The best foods to help with metabolism should also be ones that you enjoy. You’re more likely to stick with the plan if you eat foods that taste good to you. Experiment with healthy choices to find what you love best.

  • Scoliosis and Chiropractic Treatment

    Scoliosis and Chiropractic Treatment At Chiro One Wellness Centers, one of the conditions we commonly see in our offices is scoliosis. While kids are the largest groups affected by scoliosis, adults can suffer as well. Find out what else you should know about this common condition and how chiropractic care can help. ​ What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a spinal disorder traditionally defined as a sideways curvature (or curvatures) of the spine. Often, the curves appear S-shaped or C-shaped. The most common form of scoliosis is idiopathic, which accounts for about 80 percent of scoliosis cases. Unfortunately—and frustratingly—idiopathic means "without known cause," meaning experts don't have all the answers for sufferers. Other forms of scoliosis are: Congenital Curve (meaning you were born with the issue) Paralytic Curve (meaning the muscles don't work) Myopathic Deformity (meaning the muscles don't work properly) Secondary (caused by a secondary condition, such as degeneration, osteoporosis or osteomalacia) Who is affected? Scoliosis affects between 6 and 9 million people—around two to three percent of the population—in the United States. Of those suffering from the disorder, children aged 10 to 15 are the largest age group, and girls are more often affected than boys. While it's common in this age and gender group, there is a growing population of adults who have scoliosis. ​ What causes scoliosis? As mentioned above, most cases of scoliosis are without a known cause. Some cases, such as congenital scoliosis, do have a known cause. In congenital scoliosis, the curves are thought to be due to abnormally formed vertebrae, present at birth. ​ What are the signs and symptoms? Typically, those who have scoliosis won't experience back pain, so it's important to look for physical signs such as: Uneven shoulders or a shoulder blade that protrudes farther than the other when standing A rib hump (rib prominence) or a lower back hump (lumbar prominence) when bending forward One hip may appear higher than the other The Cobb Method The main part of the diagnosis is the measurement of the curve, which is measured using the Cobb method. A positive diagnosis is determined by a curve greater than 10 degrees. A curve greater than 25 to 30 degrees is considered significant. And a curve exceeding 45 to 50 degrees is considered severe. ​ How is scoliosis diagnosed? Scoliosis can be diagnosed using medical and family history, a physical examination and X-rays of the spine. Be sure be checked by a professional, the signs of scoliosis are subtle and can be easily missed. ​ What are the treatment options? There are several options for treating scoliosis, such as chiropractic, observation and bracing. Studies have shown active chiropractic treatment has improved the Cobb angle and pain scores. At our clinics, we offer an adult brace that helps to relieve pain, improve posture, reduce pressure and more. ​ Experts agree that scoliosis is best treated when found early—so if you suspect scoliosis or are unsure, it's best to get checked right away. In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • Asthma Relief and Chiropractic

    3 Reasons to see a Chiropractor for Asthma Treatment 1. There is a Link between your Nervous System and Your Respiratory System There is research that suggests a link between the spinal column, the nervous system and the respiratory system. This may be why many have mentioned improved breathing by consulting a chiropractor. Asthma cases seem to be rising at an alarming rate. Some think it’s due to a combination of factors, especially the increase of chemicals in our environment. These days, airtight, super-insulated homes can trap chemicals, molds, formaldehyde and other irritants. Even the increasing use of cesarean births, antibiotics and our fascination with germ killing have been cited. If these factors were the only issue, why wouldn’t all children living in the same house and breathing the same air, suffer equally? 2. The Chiropractic Connection – The Nerves in your Diaphragm Your diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing. Nerves that control each breath leave your brain and exit the spinal cord in the mid-neck (C3, C4 and C5) area. Spinal problems in this area can have a profound affect on the nerve supply to the diaphragm. Reducing nerve interferences in the spine may help restore proper nervous system control of the lungs and improved function can begin. 3. Research on the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Asthma In fact, research published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the results experienced by 81 children with asthma who saw a chiropractor for asthma and received chiropractic care. The two-month study revealed that those under care saw a 45% decrease in the number of “attacks” and that 31% of the subjects voluntarily chose to decrease their medication. All this from improved nervous system control of the lungs! Here are some additional research articles that explain how a chiropractor for asthma can help improve patient’s lives. Chronic pediatric asthma and chiropractic spinal manipulation: a prospective clinical series and randomized clinical pilot study, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Jul. 2001 Chiropractic Care of a Pediatric Patient with Asthma, Allergies, Chronic Colds & Vertebral Subluxation, Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, 2009 Chiropractic care for patients with asthma: A systematic review of the literature, The Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association, Mar. 2010 ​ In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • Arthritis Relief with Chiropractic

    Understanding arthritis and how chiropractic care could help manage arthritis pain. What is Arthritis? Though common, arthritis is one of America’s most misunderstood diseases. Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, which can cause pain, discomfort and stiffness throughout joints and the body. Common symptoms of arthritis and joint inflammation include swelling, joint pain and stiffness and decreased range of motion -- typically worsening with age. ​ In actuality “arthritis” is not a single disease. There are over 100 different types and severities of the disease, making it the leading cause of disability in America -- affecting more than 50 million. There are two main types of arthritis that can benefit from routine chiropractic care: Osteoarthritis - A degenerative disorder affecting flexible joint cartilage Rheumatoid Arthritis - A chronic inflammatory disorder in joints In both cases, self care combined with non-invasive, non-addictive treatment, should serve as your first line of defense to manage and relieve pain and discomfort. ​ How Can Chiropractic Care Help Those with Arthritis? Chiropractic care can be a great way to manage and relieve pain caused by arthritis. Routine chiropractic care provides arthritis patients with a safe, non-invasive, non-addictive alternative to prescription opioids or over-the-counter pain medications (OTCs), which are commonly prescribed to patients to help them manage their pain. ​ Chiropractors deliver a gentle, non-invasive, non-addictive therapy, known as a chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments reduce joint restrictions or misalignments in the spine and other joints in the body in an effort to reduce inflammation and improve function of both the affected joint and nervous system. By increasing joint mobility and improving your nervous system function and spinal health, your body has the ability to better manage symptoms caused by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. ​ Below are some of the health benefits chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments can provide to arthritis patients: Reduced pain and discomfort Decreased inflammation Improved range of motion Improved flexibility Increased activity and lifestyle In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level. ​

  • Weight Loss Timeline: How Long to Reach Your Goal Weight?

    There’s no better time than a pandemic to start losing weight. In fact, almost half of all Americans attempt to lose weight every year, and some of them show a massive success! Fortunately, you can benefit from weight loss, too. However, you may be wondering what to expect and when to expect it. Let’s talk about a weight loss timeline to give you an idea of what to expect on your journey. Factors That Effect Weight Loss Timeline Before we talk about the timeline, it’s important to note that different people will experience different results based on a wide variety of factors. While we can’t talk about your personal genetics and health conditions, here are some of the other most important factors to consider that will affect how you progress. Meal Plan Finding the right weight loss meal plan is your number one objective when trying to lose weight. The reason is that diet has been proven to be far more efficient than exercise when it comes to losing weight. This is reflected in the phrase “abs start in the kitchen.” You should be looking to choose the best foods for weight loss. Choosing to eat whole foods is always the healthiest and most beneficial way to go. Focusing on incorporating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seeds into your diet is the best thing you can do for your own health and weight loss journey. However, you should remember that the type of food isn’t enough. You must remain at a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. Eating at your maintenance calorie intake will keep you at the same weight, and going under will help you lose weight. Ideally, you want to be around 500 calories short of your maintenance levels. This is the safest way to avoid malnutrition or any other health complications. There are about 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, meaning that at a roughly 500 calorie deficit, you will lose one pound of fat per week just from your diet. Exercise Exercise plays a role in your weight loss by boosting your metabolism and helping to reach your desired calorie deficit. The more calories you burn, the more you’ll be able to eat while maintaining your deficit. Cardiovascular exercise mixed with strength training tends to be the best regimen, and there’s a lot of variety you can throw into that combination. You could try running and weightlifting, swimming and calisthenics, or biking and bodybuilding. The combinations are endless and you can fit them into your interests and your schedule. Consistency The key factor is consistency. If you keep a 500-calorie deficit for 5 days, you won’t notice a difference at all if you go a thousand over on both days in the weekend. Because of this, it’s important that you incorporate recipes and exercise routines that you will stick to. It’s not the end of the world to have an occasional cheat meal, but making sure they aren’t becoming a regular staple of your diet is important. Losing 1-2 pounds a week may sound painfully slow if you’re trying to lose over 20 pounds but don’t think of it as if it’s something you’re just trying to finish as quickly as possible. You’re changing your lifestyle to become more healthy and that’s something to maintain throughout your life. Also, let’s say you are trying to lose 30 pounds. If you break that up into weeks, it may seem daunting. However, in 6 months when you’ve reached your entire goal, you’ll be so glad that you did. You won’t have to wait 6 months to see the results either. You’ll be seeing your progress the whole way through, which will help you stay motivated! Also, losing weight is half the battle, keeping it off is the other half. Again, don’t look for a light at the end of the tunnel. You want to work to maintain a healthy lifestyle over the long term. Program Choosing a program wisely is important. There are so many fad diets and programs out there that stay hot for a few months until doctors come on television and warn against it. So, how do you know when a program is legit? Well, when weight loss doctors recommend them. If a doctor recommends a program, then you should feel a lot more comfortable that the program won’t be harmful to you. What Timeline Should I Expect? If you’re starting a weight loss program and you are consistent with it, you will see results surprisingly fast. It often takes 2 to 6 weeks for your body to really adapt to new stressors and practices but after that, you’ll begin to see major changes. After 6 weeks, you will start to feel lighter and, assuming you’re exercising, a lot more fit. After that, you’ll begin to notice changes in your muscle tone, skin reduction, and more. The longer you go, the more changes you’ll see! If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, it will take a bit of time. Look at some before and after videos to get an estimate of how the Chirothin program has helped them and how long it took. Remember, they didn’t just go from overweight to skinny between the 179th day and the 180th day. They saw progress the entire way through and felt better and better about themselves as they progressed, and you can do that, too!

  • 7 Healthy Habits You Can Start Today

    Do you want to start building a healthier and happier you? Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t always easy. Sure, some people are born loving to eat well and be fit, but others need an extra nudge. That said, everyone with every type of body can make small changes to live a healthier lifestyle. All you need to do is adopt a few healthy habits. Not all healthy habits will work for everyone. We all have different limitations, so you should never push yourself beyond your healthy limits. That said, incorporating several of them will make a huge difference. Keep reading for a few of our top healthy habits to start trying today. 1. Sit Less Did you know that sitting too much is a huge health problem? Most people who work standard office jobs sit far too much. It’s bad for your heart, your brain, and your waistline, so why not stand up every once in a while? This isn’t always easy. If you work in an office, how can you justify standing up at work? While we can’t change work culture overnight, there are a few things that you can do to incorporate more standing into your day. First, ask about getting a standing-to-sitting desk. These desks are great for people who want to stand up while doing work. If that’s not possible, set a timer for once per hour where you’ll get up and stretch your legs. Consider doing a lap around the office or even doing a few squats at your desk. This might seem like a small change, but it makes a big impact. 2. Stretch Every Morning Speaking of getting your body moving, why not start your mornings with a few stretches? When you stretch in the morning, you’re getting your body ready for the day. You loosen up all of your joints and muscles and get your blood flowing. You could do a stretching routine on your own without guidance. Do simple stretches like reaching for your toes, standing quad stretches, and simple side stretches. You could also take this time to watch a few morning yoga videos. 3. Do More Cardio How much cardio do you do every week? You should get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week to stay in good health. Are you hitting that goal? For most people, the answer is no. Avoiding aerobic activity is bad for your heart. Cardio is also one key part of losing weight in a healthy way. Cardio doesn’t have to be hard. If you’re new to cardio, or if you have trouble with mobility, even taking walks around your neighborhood is great. If you’re ready to move on, consider hiking, jogging, or even riding a bike. 4. Strength Training Is Key While cardio is important, you can’t neglect the importance of strength training as well. Too many people think that strength training means that you’re going to get bulky muscles overnight. This isn’t true! Regardless of your gender, it takes a long time and a lot of dedication (as well as a specific diet) to look like a bodybuilder. For the average person, strength training can give you a leaner and more toned look (especially when paired with ChiroThin). Having more muscle can help you boost your metabolism and burn fat. It will also help you with functional activities that you need in your day-to-day life, like carrying your children, moving furniture, or doing housework. There are plenty of ways to strength train. If you don’t have access to gym equipment or weights, start with bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats. If you want to add weight to your exercises without buying weights, use a backpack full of books, canned goods, or even water bottles to add resistance. You’ll love how strong and energized you feel! 5. Eat a Healthier Diet Diet is one of the hardest things for people to change without an extra push. What does your diet look like? The average American diet isn’t healthy. It’s heavy in empty carbs. You need to have a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins if you want to live a healthy life. Try to omit sugar (especially added sugar) where you can. Decrease your consumption of red meat, alcohol, and processed foods. These small changes will make a big difference. You’ll discover that a diet that’s rich in fiber and protein will keep you full and energized. Start following healthy eating habits today. 6. Get Enough Sleep Did you know that adults are supposed to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night? Where do you stand as far as your sleep goes? There are some outliers on either side, but overall, you should shoot for an average of 8 hours of sleep every night. This will keep you alert, functional, and ready for your day. When you get enough sleep, your body is able to complete all of its essential functions. You’ll think better, you’ll have better digestion, and you’ll be in a better mood. 7. Avoid Stress Stress actually has a negative impact on your health! People who experience too much stress risk greater weight gain, heart problems, and more. While it’s hard to avoid stress in today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to try to reduce your stress levels where you can. Make sure to take time for yourself and your hobbies. If you have available time off from work, don’t forget to take it. If you’re struggling with stress, it’s normal to see a counselor or therapist who can help you easy habits for mindfulness and coping mechanisms. Try These Healthy Habits Today Incorporating healthy lifestyle habits will make a huge difference in your life. You’ll feel better, you’ll be happier, and you may even lose some weight. Why not set yourself up for a long and healthy life by incorporating some of these healthy habits today?

  • How to Stay Active While Working From Home

    The pandemic has taught many Americans that working from home is far more enjoyable than they ever realized. It’s no wonder why; when you work from home, you’re able to set up your space the way that you want and don’t have to waste time and money traveling to and from work. However, working from home means staying at home all day. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and thus lead to you gaining unwanted pounds. The wealth of weight loss tips out there on the internet and in books are practically useless since they aren’t adjusted to post-pandemic life. Thankfully, we’re here to provide you with weighs you can stay active at home, that you can incorporate into your weight-loss strategy. Take a Walk While life can get in the way of an exercise program, everyone can find time in their day to take a walk. On your lunch break, take a little walk around your block before you eat. This will help you burn some calories. If you have a job you don’t need to Zoom in to, even better. You can take calls while walking around your house, which will keep your metabolism up and your weight down. Consider downloading an app, or buying a product that will help you count your steps. Finding out how much you walked in a giving day can work as a wonderful motivator to help you walk more. Move Every Hour Try to set a timer for yourself, and exercise a little bit every hour. This can be as simple as stretching your muscles, or as complicated as doing a workout plan. Making sure you move every hour translates your life from sedentary to active, even though you might not have a physical job. Find ways to work out with what you have around you in your environment. If you have stairs, one of your workouts can be as simple as walking up and down the stairs a couple of times. Get Into a Physical Hobby Video games are one of the most popular hobbies out there. While this can work for someone with a very physical job, someone who works from home should try to find a hobby that gets them up and moving. Consider your preferences: are you a sporty person? Perhaps you can join some kind of adult sports league. Or, you can get into a more simple game, like playing table tennis with your friends. If you’re more creatively minded, consider getting into physical activity like gardening. Gardening is a great way to burn calories and build up muscle strength. Many towns have dance studios in them that offer walk-in classes. You go in and take a class, and pay at the end. This could be a great way to get your exercise in and learn a craft as well. Dance This heading doesn’t refer to dance classes but to social dancing that you can do around your house. Dancing is one of the most deceptive forms of exercise. You can dance and have fun without even feeling like you’re working out! The 21st century has made it easier than ever to dance by yourself. Conduct a search across genres on your favorite music platform, and find yourself the best dance music. Create a playlist out of this. This will give you a project to work on, and a reason to dance as well. It will ensure that you always have new dance songs to bust a move to. Replace TV With Podcasts The podcast industry is growing rapidly. People love listening to podcasts because they can experience comedy, narrative, and drama all while on the go. If you replace your TV watching time with podcast-listening time, you’re free to do whatever you want while you listen. This may inspire you to take more walks or do a little more exercise. Alternatively, you can replace some of your TV-watching time with listening to audiobooks. This is the perfect way to read books in the contemporary fast world. Make Use of a Weight Loss Program If you’re someone who prefers having a plan to work at, rather than self-motivation, it can be good to find yourself a good weight loss program. A weight loss program will target your physical activity as well as the foods that you eat. Get a Dog If you’ve found yourself contemplating investing in a furry friend, now could be the time to do it. Dogs are resplendent with energy and will push you beyond your physical limits. When you go to the bathroom, you probably walk a couple of steps. Your dog will want to walk around the block when they have to go to the bathroom, forcing you to exercise as well. Dogs are extremely active and will want to play with you at all hours of the day. Playing with your dog will ensure that you’re staying mobile and active. Stay Active While Working From Home If you’re one of the millions of Americans who is now working from home, you know how hard it is to live a healthy, active life. Thankfully, you have options. If you walk, move every hour, make use of a weight loss program, and try the other techniques on this list, then you’re far more likely to keep off the pounds.

  • What Are the Common Causes of Obesity?

    Obesity is commonplace. More than 42 percent of Americans are obese. The rate of obesity has gone up by 12 percentage points over the last 20 years. One reason why is that there are many causes of obesity. Yet very few people understand what causes obesity and why. What are genetic and biological reasons for obesity? What about the American lifestyle lends itself to weight gain? What ingredients and medications should you avoid? Answer these questions, and you can become an expert on how to prevent weight gain. Here is your quick guide. Genetics Obesity runs through families. The fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) can affect the levels of ghrelin in a person’s body. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite and changes how a person stores fat. A 2017 study found that people with the FTO gene had higher rates of binge eating disorders. The gene may impact brain function, modulating the response of cells to food cues. This can cause a person to eat more. Genetics may be only one reason why obesity runs from generation to generation. Some areas are food deserts where people have less access to healthy choices. Food Addiction Your brain contains centers that produce hormones for productive activities. When you eat a delicious meal or exercise, your brain produces dopamine, which makes you feel joyous. This encourages you to do the same thing over and over again. Sugar, saturated fat, and salt stimulate dopamine production. This encourages a person to eat more of those substances. Enough consumption of sugary foods can distort the brain itself. It stops producing hormones for healthy activities and only produces them for unhealthy foods. Food addiction is independent of food cravings. Some people crave unhealthy foods, but they can resist their cravings. Addiction impacts the brain and is very difficult to resist. It requires extensive psychiatric support in order to combat. Sedentary Lifestyle More and more people work in offices. They sit at desks all day, burning very few calories. When they go home, they sit in front of a screen. Fewer people are exercising. Only 53 percent of adults meet the CDC’s guidelines for aerobic and cardiovascular exercise. A sedentary lifestyle triggers obesity in several ways. The less exercise a person performs, the fewer calories they use up. When a person eats caloric food and does not exercise, they can become obese quickly. But exercise also encourages hormone production. Working out can keep a person’s insulin levels stable, preventing weight gain. Even little things like climbing stairs can help. Sleep Deprivation People eat food so they can feel energized throughout the day. If they don’t get enough sleep, they may continue eating so they can stay awake. Sleep deprivation can also impact levels of ghrelin. The brain triggers ghrelin production when it is deprived of sleep. Conversely, the brain produces less insulin when it is tired. Sleep-deprived people may not feel the energy to go and exercise. They may eat more and they may burn less, triggering obesity. Processed Ingredients A person can become obese eating too much of any food. But processed ingredients trigger obesity far more than natural ones. They can also induce several medical problems related to obesity. Processed sugar offers no substantial health benefits. Most forms of it are half glucose and half fructose. Fructose encourages blood cells to resist insulin, triggering obesity and diabetes. Non-sugar additives may be even worse. As the name suggests, high fructose corn syrup contains extreme levels of fructose. It can trigger type 2 diabetes with enough consumption, yet it is present in a number of foods. Trans fats are artificial fats that manufacturers put into processed meats and desserts. It can raise bad cholesterol while lowering good cholesterol. It can trigger cardiovascular problems, including heart disease. Medications Several medications lead people to gain weight. Antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants can induce weight gain over several months. This may be because these medications induce drowsiness. If a person feels too tired to exercise, they may not work out. Keep in mind that side effects can vary, which makes it hard to understand why medications may cause obesity. Misinformation Scientists debate obesity causes. Some argue that saturated fats cause obesity, while others assert that carbohydrates are the cause. This results in many people overeating carbs or fats, which causes weight gain. There is plenty of misinformation about how to start losing weight. Some authors say they have foolproof solutions for weight loss, but they just endorse unhealthy eating habits. They may not teach a person how to set health goals, making it hard to track progress. Many people are not aware of the signs of obesity. They do not know when a person becomes overweight or obese. Some of this misinformation comes from marketing. Fast and junk food manufacturers have substantial marketing budgets. They use terms like “all-natural” that conceal the caloric and fatty nature of their food. Marketing is especially a concern for obesity in children. Fast food chains target children with mascots and product placement in movies. The Major Causes of Obesity Several causes of obesity can trigger problems. Genetics can affect how the body processes fats. The brain can become addicted to fatty and sugary foods. People work in offices more, giving themselves fewer chances to exercise. They sleep less so they produce less ghrelin. When they eat, they eat processed foods that are high in calories.

  • 8 Deliciously Sneaky Ways to Eat More Leafy Green Vegetables

    Did you know that 90% of Americans don’t eat enough vegetables? When you consider the delicious variety available and nutritional value, it’s hard to believe what we’re missing out on! The problem isn’t the veggies, it’s that many people don’t know how to incorporate them into their daily meal. After all, leafy green vegetables aren’t going to be exciting when they’re eaten plain, raw, and unseasoned. It’s time to change the way you view vegetables. We’re going to show you the different ways you can eat more greens and enjoy every minute of it! Let’s get started. 1. Bake Into Chips If you’re looking for a way to satisfy your need for a crunchy snack, what better way to do it than to make some veggie chips? Not only can you season them with all of your favorite spices but you still get all the nutritional benefits without all those processed ingredients found in regular potato chips. Kale chips are an excellent choice but you’re not limited to that: sweet potatoes, zucchini, taro, beets, summer squash, and so forth, can be used to create this perfect little snack. Not only is it a great way to incorporate veggies but it’s quick and easy to make as well. All you need to do is slice the veggies or wash your leafy greens, season them and throw them in the oven! 2. Wrap Them Up Some of the best leafy green vegetables can replace your usual carbohydrate for things like burritos or wraps. Instead of reaching for a tortilla, grab some lettuce, romaine, or cabbage and fill it up with your favorite ingredients. You’ll be reducing the calories you consume while adding a fresh element to your usual lunch. This doesn’t mean you need to fear carbs as you can still use your traditional wraps if you want—just be sure to really stock up on greens! Try to find tortilla wraps made of spinach or whole wheat so you’re not just consuming empty calories. If you’re interested in knowing more about healthy choices, programs like ChiroThin can help you get started on your weight loss journey. 3. All The Sauces All the types of leafy greens can make for some tasty sauces. That’s right, you’ll find that eating more veggies isn’t limited to keeping them in their natural state. You can blend, whisk, and puree to your heart’s desire. There are a variety of sauces that you can make using big leafy greens like kale, spinach, and chard. You’re not only limited to that either, feel free to use the green odds and ends of carrots, radish tops, and beet greens as well. Blend with the right seasoning and add them to everything to bring your food to another level. 4. Put Them in a Smoothie Don’t be afraid of the strange-looking green smoothies and juices, not only are they tasty, but they can be easily made at home for a quick nutritious snack. Smoothies are wonderful because not only can you get your daily serving of vegetables but you’ll get a decent serving of fruits as well! The usual leafy greens that we’ve mentioned earlier are a great choice to throw into your smoothie. Spinach, kale, swiss chard, beet greens, collard greens – try out everything and see what you like! Here’s a tip: freeze some bananas and add them to your smoothie, it’ll add a creaminess that is sure to get you hooked. 5. Stir Them in a Stir Fry If you want a simple way to incorporate green vegetables, find recipes that are improved when you add veggies. Stir-fries are a delicious option to get all of your food groups in one place, and it’s simple to make! You can also use the odds and ends from other vegetables, and they’ll only enhance your dish as opposed to turning you away from it. Between the vegetables, protein, and complex carbohydrates – this is a hearty meal that you’ll want to make over and over again. 6. Make Vegetable Soup Sometimes, it helps to go back to the basics. There’s really nothing like a hot bowl of soup, is there? One of the ultimate comfort foods, you don’t even need to be sick to enjoy it! If you want to know how to eat more vegetables, making a big bowl of vegetable soup is one way. You don’t need to stick to a plain, tasteless version either – there’s a ton of variety for you to try. You can make a blended sweet potato soup or a spicy vegetable soup, it’s time to get creative. 7. Sneak Them Into Tacos For your next Taco Tuesday, try to limit the number of unhealthy toppings and switch them out for vegetables or healthy sauces! Try using marinated mushrooms instead of red meat, add tons of lettuce and cilantro or homemade tomato sauce. There are so many ways to incorporate vegetables into tacos, you might never go back to the way you made them before. 8. Add Them to a Pizza If you’re in the mood for something truly indulgent, we don’t blame you. It’s not healthy to obsess over eating exclusively nutritious food, you need to have your cheat meals here and there. We’re the first to tell you that pizza is not an easy thing to get rid of, but it’s super easy to make more nutritious. Next time you make (or buy) a pizza, add some arugula on top for an extra dose of vitamins. You’ll add a healthy, crunchy element to an already delicious meal. Eat More Leafy Green Vegetables There’s no doubt that eating your vegetables can be complicated. After all, it’s been a battle since we were all kids. However, it’s easier now more than ever to incorporate leafy green vegetables into your diet. All you have to do is have an open mind, the right seasonings, and a variety of delicious veggies to start your new food journey.

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