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  • Choosing the Right Chiropractor: What to Look For

    In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to experience back pain, neck pain, or other musculoskeletal issues. When faced with such discomfort, many individuals turn to chiropractors for help. Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the body's natural ability to recover and maintain optimal health. However, choosing the right chiropractor is crucial for receiving effective treatment and achieving long-term wellness. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into each aspect of selecting the ideal chiropractor who suits your unique needs. Understanding Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care revolves around the belief that proper spinal alignment is essential for overall health. Chiropractors use hands-on techniques to manipulate the spine, aiming to alleviate pain and improve mobility. Before choosing a chiropractor, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of what this form of therapy entails. Chiropractors may also utilize adjunct therapies such as massage, heat or cold therapy, and exercises to complement spinal adjustments. Understanding these potential treatment modalities can help you select a chiropractor whose approach aligns with your preferences. Choosing the Right Chiropractor: What to Look For While looking for a reliable chiropractor, you should keep a number of factors in mind. Some of the main qualities to look for are explained below. The Importance of Credentials When seeking a chiropractor, the first step is to check their credentials. Ensure that they have completed the necessary education and are licensed to practice in your state. A licensed chiropractor has met the required standards of competency and safety. Additionally, inquire about any professional affiliations or memberships in chiropractic associations. These affiliations can indicate a commitment to staying current with industry standards and best practices. Experience and Specialization Consider the chiropractor's experience and specialization. Some chiropractors focus on specific areas such as sports injuries, prenatal care, or pediatric chiropractic. Depending on your needs, you may want to choose a chiropractor with expertise in the relevant field. For example, if you are an athlete seeking chiropractic care to enhance your performance and recover from sports-related injuries, a chiropractor specializing in sports medicine may be the ideal choice. They will have in-depth knowledge of the demands athletes face and the most effective treatment strategies. Patient Reviews and Testimonials Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a chiropractor's reputation and the quality of care they provide. Look for feedback on their website and third-party review platforms. Pay attention to specific testimonials from patients who have experienced conditions similar to yours. These reviews can offer a more personalized perspective on how the chiropractor addresses your specific health concerns. Techniques and Treatment Approaches Chiropractors may employ various techniques and treatment approaches. These can include manual adjustments, instrument-assisted adjustments, and non-force techniques like Activator or Cox Flexion-Distraction. Discuss these methods with your prospective chiropractor to ensure they align with your preferences and comfort levels. Moreover, inquire about their treatment philosophy. Some chiropractors focus on symptom relief, while others emphasize wellness and preventive care. Finding a chiropractor whose approach resonates with your healthcare goals is essential for a successful partnership. Communication and Bedside Manner Effective communication is crucial in any healthcare relationship. A chiropractor should listen to your concerns, explain treatment options clearly, and make you feel comfortable throughout the process. During your initial consultation, assess the chiropractor's ability to explain their proposed treatment plan, expected outcomes, and any potential risks. A transparent and empathetic chiropractor is more likely to create a positive and collaborative healing environment. Availability and Location Consider the chiropractor's availability and location. Choose a clinic that is convenient for you and offers flexible appointment times to accommodate your schedule. When experiencing pain or discomfort, timely access to care is essential. Verify whether the chiropractor can accommodate urgent appointments or provide extended hours for those with busy schedules. Insurance Coverage Check whether the chiropractor accepts your health insurance. Understanding your insurance coverage can help you manage the cost of chiropractic care. Additionally, inquire about any out-of-pocket expenses or copayments you may be responsible for. Some chiropractors work with insurance providers and can assist you in navigating the billing process, making it more convenient and cost-effective for you. Cost of Services Discuss the cost of services upfront to avoid any surprises. Some chiropractors offer payment plans or discounts for multiple sessions. It's essential to have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your chiropractic care to plan your budget accordingly. Moreover, inquire about their policies regarding missed appointments or cancellations. Knowing their policies can help you avoid unexpected charges. Initial Consultation A reputable chiropractor will typically offer an initial consultation to assess your condition and discuss your treatment plan. Use this opportunity to evaluate their professionalism and whether you feel comfortable with their approach. During the consultation, be prepared to share your medical history, including any previous injuries or surgeries, as well as your current symptoms. The chiropractor should conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment for your condition. Personal Compatibility Feeling comfortable with your chiropractor is essential for successful treatment. Consider your personal compatibility and whether you feel at ease discussing your health concerns. Effective chiropractic care often involves open and honest communication between you and your provider. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your symptoms or asking questions, it may hinder your progress. Emergency Services Inquire about emergency services or after-hours care options in case you require immediate attention. Emergencies or sudden exacerbation of symptoms can occur, so knowing how your chiropractor handles such situations is crucial for peace of mind. Referrals and Recommendations Ask friends, family, or your primary care physician for referrals and recommendations. Word-of-mouth referrals can be invaluable in finding a trustworthy chiropractor. In addition to personal referrals, consider seeking recommendations from healthcare professionals who may have insights into reputable chiropractors in your area. They can provide informed guidance based on their knowledge of your specific healthcare needs. Licensing and Accreditation Ensure that the chiropractor's clinic is properly licensed and accredited. This ensures that the facility adheres to safety and quality standards. Licensed chiropractors are required to meet continuing education requirements, which contribute to the ongoing improvement of their skills and knowledge. Furthermore, inquire about any disciplinary actions or malpractice claims against the chiropractor. This information can be obtained from your state's chiropractic board or licensing authority. A clean record demonstrates a commitment to ethical and professional practice. Continuing Education Chiropractic techniques and practices evolve over time. Look for a chiropractor who engages in ongoing education and stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field. Continuous learning ensures that your chiropractor incorporates the most current and effective treatments into your care plan. Chiropractors who participate in postgraduate courses and attend professional seminars demonstrate their dedication to providing high-quality care. Inquire about their commitment to professional development during your initial consultation. Conclusion Choosing the right chiropractor is a significant decision for your health and well-being. By considering factors such as credentials, experience, patient reviews, communication, and personal compatibility, you can make an informed choice. Remember that your chiropractor should be a partner in your journey toward improved health and wellness.

  • The Science Behind Spinal Adjustments: How They Work

    Spinal adjustments, a cornerstone of chiropractic care, have gained popularity for their effectiveness in managing a range of health issues. But what lies beneath the surface of this practice? This comprehensive article delves deep into the science behind spinal adjustments, unraveling the mechanisms and benefits of this widely-used healthcare procedure. The Anatomy of the Spine Understanding the intricacies of spinal adjustments requires knowledge of the spine's complex anatomy. Comprising 33 vertebrae, the human spine is divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. This crucial structure serves as the body's central support system, guarding the spinal cord and facilitating movement. The Spinal Cord and Nervous System At the heart of spinal adjustments lies the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. The spinal cord, a vital component of the central nervous system, traverses the vertebral column, acting as a communication bridge between the brain and the body. Any misalignment or dysfunction in the spine can disrupt this communication, leading to an array of health issues. The Science Behind Misalignments Subluxations: The Culprits Subluxations, those subtle misalignments of vertebrae, can stem from a variety of factors such as poor posture, traumatic events, or the accumulation of daily stress. These subluxations exert pressure on spinal nerves, hindering the smooth transmission of signals between the brain and the body. This disruption can result in pain, discomfort, and even dysfunction in vital organs. The Role of Inflammation Inflammation plays a pivotal role in the genesis of subluxations. When the spine loses alignment, it can cause irritation and inflammation in surrounding tissues. This inflammation further intensifies the pressure on spinal nerves, creating a cycle of discomfort and dysfunction that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. The Effects of Long-Term Misalignments Chronic subluxations, if left unaddressed, can have far-reaching consequences. Over time, these misalignments may lead to degeneration of the spine and related structures. This degeneration can manifest as conditions such as osteoarthritis and even impact the function of nearby organs and tissues. How Spinal Adjustments Work Restoring Alignment Chiropractors and healthcare professionals perform spinal adjustments to rectify subluxations and reinstate proper spinal alignment. This is achieved through precise manual manipulations or specialized instruments. By realigning the spine, the pressure on spinal nerves is alleviated, allowing for improved nerve function. Releasing Endorphins A captivating aspect of spinal adjustments is their ability to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Patients often report immediate relief and an overall sense of well-being after a spinal adjustment. Mobilizing Joints In addition to realigning the spine, spinal adjustments promote the mobilization of joints. When joints become stiff or restricted due to misalignments, it can result in discomfort and a reduced range of motion. Through gentle manipulation, chiropractors can restore joint mobility, facilitating smoother, pain-free movement. Benefits of Spinal Adjustments Pain Management One of the primary advantages of spinal adjustments is their efficacy in pain management. Individuals dealing with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, or headaches frequently find relief through chiropractic care. Rather than merely masking symptoms, spinal adjustments address the root causes of pain, offering long-term solutions. Enhanced Range of Motion Spinal adjustments can significantly enhance an individual's range of motion. Correct spinal alignment enables joints and muscles to function optimally, leading to improved flexibility and mobility. This is particularly valuable for athletes and those who wish to maintain an active lifestyle. Optimized Nervous System Function By restoring proper spinal alignment, spinal adjustments contribute to enhanced nervous system function. The implications of this extend to overall health, including better immune system function and improved organ performance. Headache and Migraine Relief Chronic headaches and migraines can be debilitating, affecting one's quality of life. Spinal adjustments have shown promise in alleviating these conditions by reducing tension in the neck and upper back, common areas of tension associated with headaches. Digestive Health Surprisingly, spinal adjustments can positively impact digestive health. The nervous system plays a pivotal role in regulating digestive processes, and when it functions optimally, it can lead to improved digestion and a reduction in digestive discomfort. Preventative Care While spinal adjustments effectively address existing issues, many individuals seek chiropractic care as a preventative measure to maintain overall health and well-being. Regular adjustments can help ensure that the spine remains aligned, promoting optimal nervous system function. Customized Treatment Plans Chiropractors often craft individualized treatment plans for their patients. These plans take into account an individual's specific condition, lifestyle, and goals. This personalized approach ensures that each patient receives the most suitable care tailored to their unique needs. The Role of Exercise and Lifestyle In addition to spinal adjustments, exercise, and lifestyle choices play pivotal roles in spinal health. Chiropractors often provide guidance on posture, ergonomics, and exercises to complement the benefits of spinal adjustments. These lifestyle modifications empower patients to take an active role in maintaining their spinal health. The Importance of Professional Care While there are self-adjustment techniques, it's crucial to emphasize the significance of seeking professional care for spinal adjustments. Chiropractors and healthcare providers undergo extensive training to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these procedures. Attempting self-adjustments without proper knowledge can lead to injury or worsen existing issues. Conclusion In conclusion, the science behind spinal adjustments unveils the profound connection between spinal alignment and overall health. By addressing misalignments and promoting optimal nerve function, spinal adjustments offer a holistic approach to health and well-being. If you experience pain or discomfort, consider consulting a professional for a comprehensive evaluation and potential spinal adjustments.

  • The Role of a Chiropractor in Pain Management

    Pain is a universal human experience that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Whether it's chronic back pain, persistent neck discomfort, recurring headaches, or other musculoskeletal issues, the quest for relief is a shared journey. In this blog, we will delve into the pivotal role that chiropractors play in pain management. Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who specialize in treating musculoskeletal conditions, and their expertise can be a valuable resource on the path to pain relief. Throughout this article, we will provide you with comprehensive insights about chiropractic care and the role of a chiropractor in pain management. What is Chiropractic Care? Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to healthcare with a primary focus on diagnosing, treating, and preventing musculoskeletal disorders. At the core of chiropractic philosophy lies the belief that the proper alignment of the spine and nervous system can facilitate the body's innate ability to heal itself. Chiropractors are highly trained professionals who employ various techniques, with spinal adjustments being a cornerstone of their practice. These adjustments, also known as spinal manipulation, involve applying controlled force to the spine to correct misalignments, reduce nerve interference, and restore proper function. By optimizing the body's structure, chiropractors can help alleviate pain and improve overall well-being. How Chiropractors Help with Pain Relief Chiropractors being highly trained professionals play a crucial role in pain management through several means: Spinal Adjustments Chiropractors are renowned for their expertise in spinal adjustments. By precisely realigning the spine, they can alleviate pain caused by misalignments and nerve compression. A chiropractor is integral to this process, as these professionals excel in this specialized treatment. Drug-Free Pain Management Chiropractic care offers a unique advantage by focusing on the root causes of pain without relying on medications. This approach aligns with patients seeking drug-free pain relief, and it emphasizes the role of a Chiropractor in providing alternative solutions. Enhanced Blood Flow and Healing Chiropractic adjustments can improve blood circulation to affected areas, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation—a valuable aspect of pain management delivered by a Chiropractor. Muscle Tension Reduction Chiropractic care includes soft tissue work and manual therapy techniques that help reduce muscle tension. By targeting trigger points and tight muscles, chiropractors can provide relief from pain and discomfort. Posture Improvement Chiropractors assess and address posture issues that may contribute to pain. They provide guidance on maintaining proper posture, which can alleviate strain on the musculoskeletal system and enhance overall well-being. Conditions Treated by Chiropractors Chiropractors are equipped to address a wide range of conditions that cause pain and discomfort. Some of the most common conditions they treat include: Low Back Pain A chiropractor often becomes the go-to healthcare professional for addressing lower back pain, which can result from poor posture, muscle imbalances, or spinal misalignments. Neck Pain Those experiencing neck pain, often stemming from poor ergonomics and stress, find relief through Chiropractor services, including adjustments that restore proper neck alignment and relieve muscle tension. Headaches and Migraines Many headaches and migraines are linked to tension in the neck and upper back. Chiropractors play a pivotal role in alleviating these symptoms by addressing the underlying musculoskeletal issues. Sciatica Sciatica, characterized by radiating leg pain, is frequently treated by chiropractors through spinal adjustments that relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sports Injuries Athletes often turn to chiropractors for recovery from sports-related injuries, such as sprains, strains, and joint pain. Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pain Management Choosing chiropractic care for pain management offers a multitude of benefits: Customized Treatment Plans A Chiropractor designs personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs, ensuring precise and effective care. Drug-Free Pain Relief Chiropractic care is synonymous with drug-free pain management, reducing the risk of medication-related side effects. Improved Functionality Addressing the root causes of pain often leads to improved mobility, enhanced range of motion, and increased overall functionality—outcomes frequently achieved with the guidance of a Chiropractor. Preventative Care Chiropractic care goes beyond treating existing pain; it prioritizes prevention by promoting spinal health and proper alignment—central concepts in the practice of a "Chiropractor." Patient Education A Chiropractor takes on the role of an educator, providing valuable insights on posture, ergonomics, and lifestyle choices that contribute to long-term pain prevention and relief. Holistic Approach Chiropractic care takes into account the entire individual, considering physical, emotional, and environmental factors. Chiropractors offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare. Conclusion In conclusion, chiropractors are pivotal in the realm of pain management. Their expertise in spinal adjustments, commitment to drug-free treatments, and ability to treat a wide range of conditions make them indispensable partners on the journey to pain relief and enhanced well-being. When exploring alternative or complementary approaches to pain management, consulting with a Chiropractor is a prudent step. Prioritizing your health and embracing the benefits that chiropractic care offers can set you on the path to a pain-free life.

  • Pregnancy and Chiropractic Treatment

    Pregnancy and Chiropractic Treatment Everyone knows regular prenatal visits and great nutrition are a big part of a healthy pregnancy—but many may not realize that chiropractic treatment is a great addition to prenatal care. Gentle and non-invasive, chiropractic is a safe and effective form of prenatal care that can provide the mother with relief from pain during pregnancy, may help position the baby in utero and can also assist the mother with postnatal pain, among other benefits. ​ Why Should I Consider Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy? The body goes through an incredible amount of physiological and endocrinological changes during and following a pregnancy. As the body changes, the curve in the back increases, the abdomen protrudes, the ligaments relax and the pelvis changes, to name just a few. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help the body adapt to these changes and can treat common musculoskeletal symptoms. ​ A chiropractor can also assist in establishing pelvic balance and alignment, which can help the baby get into the best possible position for delivery. ​ More Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy There are a myriad of benefits a mother can experience by selecting a chiropractor to join her prenatal care team. The American Pregnancy Association lists the potential benefits of chiropractic care as: Maintaining a healthier pregnancy Controlling symptoms of nausea Reducing the time of labor and delivery Relieving back, neck or joint pain Preventing a potential cesarean delivery After receiving chiropractic adjustments, many women have reported relief from low-back pain due to pregnancy. Chiropractic treatment offers a non-pharmaceutical and safe form of pain relief. ​ Webster's Technique and Breech Babies The founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), Dr. Larry Webster, D.C., developed a now widely used specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment. Called Webster's Technique, this chiropractic technique is performed with the goal of reducing the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. (Sacral subluxation is a misalignment in the sacrum, which sits at the base of the spine, in between the pelvic bones. The sacroiliac (SI) joints attach the pelvis to the sacrum.) ​ Results from a mid-sized survey published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported an 82 percent success rate in relieving the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint (a reduction in the amount of room for the fetus to move) using Webster's Technique. Often intrauterine constraint can lead to breech positioning, which often results in a caesarean section. In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • How to Decrease Anxiety in High Anxiety Times

    Anxiety is high right now for many people in many different ways. There are plenty of ways to combat anxiety and can give your mind and body the best chance to calm down naturally. Often with anxiety, people simply get caught in loops and patterns of repeat. The natural recommendations in this two-part series are designed to help you create a bit of structure to your daily behaviors that will allow you to contain the anxiety and hopefully eliminate some of the repetitive patterns and move forward calmly. Regular Chiropractic Adjustments The nervous system is the communication system through which you live and experience and live your life. The brain speaks to your body by sending messages down through the spinal cord and out miles of nerves to every single cell, system, structure, and organ. They also send information back through the nerves up the cord and to the brain. The spine houses and protects the nervous system. When the spine is moving and functioning optimally, the nervous system transmission is offered the best opportunity to flourish in its communication paths. When you experience anxiety, the nervous system can be overloaded or over- stimulated; it can also be caught in patterns that are contributing to the experience of high anxiety. One of the ways this overstimulation can occur is when a spinal vertebrae is not moving through its full range of motion, which is commonly called “misaligned.” This can cause excess stress on the nervous system and can overload it, while the effects could be too numerous to mention; certainly, a professional can infer that experiencing anxiety is a logical possibility. In my experience, patients have often commented on a decrease in anxiety after I adjust the first cervical vertebrae (the first bone in the neck). My professional opinion is that this has the most significant effect on anxiety levels due to the fact that a portion of the brain stem sits in the middle of that vertebrae so that when a subluxation is corrected at that level, a good deal of pressure on the nervous system is relieved, thereby creating a drop in anxiety levels. The chiropractic adjustment decreases the structural pressure on the nervous system. The Basics Folks in this society sleep too little, don’t drink enough water, and eat crappy food. These are the basics in life. When we deprive ourselves of the basics or minimally decrease their consumption significantly on a consistent basis, without doubt it will affect the nervous system’s ability to handle stress of daily life and get overloaded more easily — thus, experiencing anxiety is far more likely. Make sure you follow these basics. Set a regular bed time and rise time – Stick to it. Give yourself between 7-9 hours nightly and see what your body needs. In addition, do as best you can to make sure the room is as dark as possible. This will assist your body in going into as deep of sleep as possible. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily – Every cell of your body requires water. Depriving yourself of proper amounts of water on a regular basis for years on end will, without doubt, contribute to your body’s function and nervous system’s ability to operate with greatest ease, as well as the mind’s ability to deal with, adapt to, and decrease stress. Drink proper amounts of water daily. Eat clean – Cleaner food is better. Food with fewer chemicals and processing, and as close as possible to its natural state, will always be better for your body and its ability to use that food as fuel. When the body is properly fueled, it is better equipped to deal with and adapt to stress on the nervous system and decrease levels of anxiety. In addition, the chemicals themselves can add another level of stress to the body because it now has to deal with cleaning those out or mitigating the effects. Eating an apple with no chemicals is less stressful and more usable for the body than one riddled with pesticide. It’s not rocket science. The less stress, the better the ability of the body to handle and mitigate anxiety. People don’t realize that there can be a structural element to anxiety, which means that health and function of your spine can contribute to the physical patterns of anxiety that the nervous system is running. People also don’t realize that depriving themselves of basic needs of quality sleep, proper amounts of water, and clean food hinder their ability to deal with, adapt to, and decrease anxiety. Engage with these guidelines in your daily life consistently for 30 days and you will see a shift. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • Low Back Pain Relief

    Scientific research has proven that chiropractic corrective care can significantly decrease low back pain by removing neurological interference and restoring proper biomechanics to the lumbar spine. Here are the results: Decreased low back pain significantly Improved lumbar spine range of motion Decreased muscle spasms and inflammation Decreased medication consumption Reduced medical expenses and work days missed Reduced possibility of low back surgeries and injections Improved quality of life In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level. RESEARCH REFERENCES Low back pain: Comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment. (1990). Bmj. 300 (6740), 1647-1650. Tettambel, M., (2012). Is Spinal Manipulation an Effective Treatment for Low Back Pain? Yes: Spinal manipulation is a Useful Adjunct Therapy. Am Fam Physician. 15;85 (8):760-762. Sanders G.E., Reinert O., Tepe R., Maloney P. (1990). Chiropractic adjustive manipulation subjects with acute low back pain: visual analog pain scores and plasma beta-endorphin levels Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 13(7) 391-395.

  • ​Ear Infections and Chiropractic Care

    ​Ear Infections and Chiropractic Care If you have kids, it's likely you know a thing or two about ear infections. In the United States, five out of six children experience an ear infection by three years old. Children are more prone to ear infections due to their immature Eustachian tube (part of the middle ear), which in infancy and early childhood is shorter and angled. This allows bacteria to more easily access the middle ear. While ear infections are most common in children, adults can experience them as well. ​ Luckily, there are non-drug treatments for this common condition. Read on to learn about how chiropractic can decrease ear infections. Symptoms and Causes Ear infections are caused by a bacteria or virus in the middle ear, and can be painful due to inflammation and a build-up of fluids. Colds, flu and allergies can bring on an ear infection due to the congestion and swelling of nasal passages, throat and Eustachian tubes. ​ In most cases, the symptoms and signs of ear infection develop rapidly. The most common symptoms include: Ear pain, worsened when lying down Difficulty sleeping Drainage of fluid from the ear Diminished hearing Loss of balance Fever Headache Symptoms to Look for in Children Tugging or pulling at an ear Difficulty sleeping Crying more than usual Irritable/changes in mood Lack of response to sounds Fevers over 100° F Medical Treatment of Ear Infections Typically, ear infections clear up on their own, so low intervention is often the best route to take. Medical doctors will sometimes recommend antibiotics, especially for infants and in severe cases, as well as NSAIDs to relieve pain. Unfortunately, there are side effects associated with short and long-term antibiotic and NSAID usage, and it's best to use them as sparingly as possible. ​ Chiropractic Care for Treating Ear Infections Developing research and studies do indicate a connection between ear infections and chiropractic. Popular pediatric doctor, William Sears, MD, highly recommends utilizing chiropractic treatment for improving middle ear drainage and decreasing ear infections. ​ In a 1996 study, forty-six children under the age of five received regular chiropractic adjustments to treat the symptoms of ear infection, and researchers found that 93 percent of all episodes improved, 75 percent in 10 days or fewer and 43 percent with only one or two treatments. In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • Is Sciatica to Blame for Your Pain?

    Do you ever wake up with a dull ache in your back, hips or legs? Or, maybe a pain that seems to radiate throughout your entire lower body without rhyme or reason? It’s possible that sciatica is to blame, and the best way to get rid of sciatic pain is to understand its root cause. What is Sciatica? Sciatic pain results when the sciatic nerve is compressed, irritated, or inflamed. Common culprits can be herniated discs, misaligned spinal bones, tense or tight muscles, as well as an injury to or near the nerve. As the longest nerve in your body, it runs from the lower back through the hips, buttocks and down into each leg. As it touches so many crucial parts of your body, it’s easy to see how it can become irritated. Sciatic pain can also be triggered by things like: Unsupportive shoes Sitting on a full back pocket-i.e., one with a phone, keys or wallet in it resulting in an uneven seated position Stress How to Get Sciatica Under Control While sciatica can be painful to deal with, there is hope at getting it under control. As slipped or herniated discs, inflammation and misaligned spinal bones are common culprits, giving chiropractic care a try is often a first step. The goal of care with us will be to improve the way your body is functioning, restoring its ability to heal itself naturally through focused, gentle care. Not only can we provide specific adjustments, but we’ll also recommend various stretches and exercises to help you manage and overcome the discomfort. We look forward to seeing you in the practice soon! Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Balls

    These No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Balls are a nutrient packed snack that will help keep you and your kids taste buds and stomach satisfied! Granola bars, step aside! There is a new snack in town, these No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Balls! They make for a great addition to breakfast or even dessert! This recipe calls for a bunch of pantry staples and is a great way to use up odds in ends including cereals, nuts, dried fruit and nut/seed butters. You can use just about whatever you have in your pantry. Ingredients You Need for these Peanut Butter Oatmeal Balls Oats Cereal (anything you got!) Nuts: almonds, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, pecans etc. Dried fruit: raisins, craisins, dates, prunes, apricots, apples, pineapple, blueberries etc. Nut and/or seed butter ( you can even add in a couple different ones!) Honey Cinnamon Chocolate chips/chunks Chia or hemp seeds (if you have them!) They only take 10 minutes to prepare and no baking is required! I have been making a batch just about every week for snacks or dessert. My hubby and kids are also big fans! My son loves to help me dump everything into the bowl and then often starts eating the mixture before we have a chance to shape them into balls. Truth be told this mixture is great as is, pressed into bars, or shaped into balls like you see it here. Ways Your Kids Can Help Make these Peanut Butter Oatmeal Balls Measure out ingredients Use their creativity to help pick out which nuts/dried fruit/nut butter/cereal to use in the recipe Pour, mix, mash ingredients together Scoop and shape into balls/circle Ingredients 1 cup old fashioned oats 1 cup cereal ( e.g. Cherrios or Corn Flakes) 1/3 cup nuts 1/3 cup dried fruit 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons chia and/or hemp seeds 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup natural nut or seed butter 1/4 cup honey Instructions In a large bowl add oats, cereal, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, chocolate chips and cinnamon. Mix together. In a small bowl add peanut butter and honey. If needed, heat for 30 seconds to make it easier to mix. Add peanut butter and honey mixture to dry mixture and mix to combine. Using a small cookie scoop or spoon, mash mixture together to break cereal and nuts into smaller pieces. ( I find that this makes it easier to form mixture into balls) Then using the scoop or spoon portion out ~ 1/8 cup the granola mixture and form into a ball. To prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands try spraying a small amount of cooking spray and rubbing over your hands (you may need to repeat every few balls). Place formed balls on a cookie sheet or plate. Place cookie sheet in freezer for 10 minutes to allow granola bites to harden. Store granola bites in an airtight container or ziplock bag in the refrigerator. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

    What Is Peripheral Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy is a frustrating, life impairing condition that is frequently overlooked until it’s too late to treat effectively. ​ This disorder involves nerve damage that affects the extremities of the body, such as the arms and legs, with symptoms that often include pain resembling the experience of pressure from pins and needles. It may result from an underlying cause such as diabetic neuropathy, or the disorder can be idiopathic, with no apparent cause. ​ Common causes of peripheral neuropathy include vitamin deficiencies, injury, and medication. In many cases of peripheral neuropathy, the underlying cause is idiopathic. Fortunately, recent advances in treatment are offering relief even for idiopathic peripheral neuropathy sufferers. Treating Peripheral Neuropathy When it comes to the conventional treatment options available for peripheral neuropathy, many patients choose medication to alleviate their symptoms. The most common medical treatment consists of prescription drugs, such as Gabapentin, Neurontin, Lyrica and Cymbalta. Unfortunately, these prescription medications interact with all of your nerves. They may relieve the pain that neuropathy can cause, but they won’t treat the underlying condition. There are better options available for sufferers today, and you can choose the treatment option you believe is best for your health. ​ Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Many people choose chiropractic care to fight this disorder. This solution gives sufferers a noninvasive yet effective way to treat their condition. There are several causes of neuropathy, ranging from diabetic neuropathy to chemotherapy treatment and nerve compression syndromes. Chiropractic care treats peripheral neuropathy by targeting affected areas with physical therapy. Patients who receive this treatment report a significant reduction in their symptoms. Each session improves the condition of the extremities, and the pain will slowly decline with chiropractic care. ​ Peripheral neuropathy sufferers respond well to this method because it focuses on their pain. Chiropractic therapists take the time to understand why the patient is experiencing symptoms, and their solution focuses on alleviating those concerns. After examining the source of the problem, the therapy sessions can begin. ​ Sufferers should notice relief even if they’re experiencing a chronic case of peripheral neuropathy. If symptoms persist, we can try a different approach. We work with you to understand and treat your peripheral neuropathy pain. ​ Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy: Burning pain Sensitive Skin Cramping Tingling Or Prickly Feelings Leg Or Foot Pain Electrical Shock-Like Pain Increased Risk Of Falling Muscle Weakness Pain Or Muscle Cramping That Disrupts Sleep Impaired Balance Numbness & Pain In Your Hands Or Feet In many cases, the initial symptoms are mild, but worsen over time - moving from the toes to the feet, the legs and can even affect the hands. In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail. Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.

  • 5 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain

    Back pain plagues almost every individual at some point in their lives, whether it's a prolonged issue or something that pops up at certain times. If you're experiencing pain in your back that won't seem to go away, visiting a chiropractor should be on the to-do list. Just about everyone looking for pain relief can benefit from the expertise of teams like the ones at Perry Family Chiropractic. With quality treatment plans and a focus on your body as a whole, chiropractors are the best solution for various types of pain, and here are a few signs it's time to visit your own. You Sit for Way too Long With the advent of working from home and desks that rise, sitting at desks isn't the drain that it used to be. But plenty of organizations and workers spend time hunched over at desks, which can really take a toll on the back. Sitting for so long, especially if you have poor posture, can alter the natural curvature of your spine and back. This stiffness can cause neck and lower back pain that limits your range of motion and is a key sign that it's time to see a chiropractor. You're an Athlete If you're an athlete, you've likely heard about the benefits of chiropractic treatment, or you're currently visiting a sports chiropractor. Contact sports can lead to tons of injuries, some of the most common ones being back, neck, and shoulder pain. A chiropractor can relieve pain in these areas with chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation that alleviates the pain in time for game day. You've Been in an Accident Car accidents are one of the leading causes of chronic pain in the back, neck, and many other places. Seeing a chiropractor might be a good idea if you were in a serious accident, even if you came out relatively unscathed. No pain doesn't mean that your back can't use a bit of assistance. Stress can cause reactions that throw the body out of balance, and the results of that might not be visible until it's too late. Contact a professional like Dr. Perry and discover how we can identify any major issues that may develop within the body. Your Pain Is in the Hard Tissues Back pain is sometimes a result of muscle strains or soft tissue injuries. But more often than not, the pain will be in the joints, spine, or "hard tissues." Massage therapy won't do much in these scenarios besides temporarily relieving pain. Visit a chiropractor for hard tissue adjustments that relax your muscles and make the entire body feel relaxed and much more comfortable. Other Treatments Don't Work No one should sit in pain for too long. You may not know why your back is hurting, but don't endure sleepless nights, hoping that things will eventually get better. If you're experiencing frequent headaches, neck pain, or other problems in addition to the struggles with your back, schedule an appointment with a chiropractor today and get the immediate care you need. Make Back Pain a Thing of the Past With Perry Family Chiropractic Back pain plagues many people worldwide, but you don't have to be a negative statistic. With Perry Family Chiropractic, we'll resolve your back pain to provide the comfort you never thought possible. Our chiropractic care is completed by certified chiropractors that utilize trigger point relief and other skilled techniques to bring your back amazing comfort. Explore the different ways Dr. Perry and the team can help provide your whole body with comfort and care by contacting Perry Family Chiropractic today.

  • Corrective Chiropractic Care vs. Relief Care: What You Need to Know

    Chiropractic care has been relied upon by millions of people as an effective way to treat body pain and keep your health in order. If you've ever considered chiropractic care, you've probably come across two different treatment options: corrective chiropractic care and relief care. What exactly are they, and how can each plan benefit you? Familiarizing yourself with these two treatment methods can help you pinpoint the one that's right for you and start your journey into good health on the right path. What Is Relief Care? Relief care is a good short-term option if you're looking to immediately get back on your feet. It consists of a set of adjustments that temporarily relieve you of aches and pains. If you've ever had back pain or a sore neck and received a couple of adjustments that bring you some pain relief, you've gotten relief care. While it may be a temporary option, relief care still offers plenty of benefits. Even the most minor pains, if located in the wrong spot, can be extremely uncomfortable and leave you fighting for a solution. Simply relieving these pains can improve your quality of life and help you accomplish your immediate goals without a major hindrance. What Is Corrective Chiropractic Care? You eventually have to treat the underlying issue causing your pain, and for that, you can turn to corrective chiropractic care. Most of the nerves in your body control bodily functions, so odds are any pain you're feeling results from deeper-rooted issues that have been growing for longer than you think. With corrective care, your chiropractor will focus on diagnosing the cause of the problems and formulating a treatment plan that provides long-term relief and health benefits for the body. What Can You Expect From Corrective Chiropractic Care? When you work with corrective care professionals, you'll receive an action plan based on the diagnosis of your issues. Throughout the process, you'll receive extensive care and professional service that provides mental and physical benefits that leave you happier and healthier than you ever imagined. An Action Plan That Reinvigorates Your Body Corrective chiropractic care focuses on correctly adjusting the curvature of your spine, and your issues are diagnosed via an x-ray. Afterward, your chiropractor will formulate a comprehensive action plan that you'll be instructed to follow. This plan will have a set of goals and expectations specifically tailored to you. Trusted Care From a Professional Throughout the entire process, you'll receive expert care from a professional who cares as much about your health as you do. From formulating the plan to ensuring you keep up with your goals, expert chiropractors like the ones at Perry Family Chiropractic will be with you every step of the way. A Life-Changing Experience The result of your hard work will be a new version of yourself. Your nervous system will work better and more efficiently, and your body will be more streamlined with your mind. Many patients are surprised at just how amazing they feel after their corrective care, and the best part is that your treatment provides permanent results. Reinvigorate Your Life With Corrective Chiropractic Care From Perry Family Chiropractic At Perry Family Chiropractic, we believe in more than just a temporary fix. Our jobs are to provide patients with the necessary ingredients for long-term success, health, and overall satisfaction. That's why you should turn to our chiropractors for comfort and care that improves and maintains your health in sustainable ways. If you want to find a new way to enjoy your body, contact us today and get the chiropractic care your body deserves, or visit our patient media center to learn more about the pain in your body.

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